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 Post subject: Earth After The War, a longish bit of prose, just for fun
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:21 pm 
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Okay, you can tell you've been thinking about War of the Worlds too much, when you start to dream about it.

The following is my note-taking on a dream I had last night (April 25). I offer it here just for your internet reading amusement.

-------- Earth After The War ---------

The understood situation is that this is the earth after the War of the Worlds. The martians have already won control. Human civilization has been broken, but humans are not wiped out. The buildings and stuff of our former civilization are pretty much intact in the hinterlands, although there is no widespread electric grid or communications anymore.

The dream opens at some point somewhat after the fighting of the War had stopped. Martian attacks haven't been reported in a long time, and people are starting to come out of hiding -- seeking each other out. I think I'm actually in the dream. My 13 year old daughter, LaNaya, is with me. No idea about my wife and son.

At first, there's a sort of survivor camaraderie. They pool what resources they had, such as food, clothing and weapons. Several of the group that I'm in have handguns. One guy, a former soldier, has some techy looking white machine gun with a laser sight.

As time goes on, more people were showing up. We were gathering in a modest sized parking lot of some flat-topped commercial building in an otherwise woodsy suburban setting. New comers were sharing news from beyond. The martians had broken the federal government, near as they could tell. Phones, radio, TV and electricity were all out -- had been for many months.

All the major cities had been blasted to rubble. All military bases had been blasted. Some speculated that some military men and hardware had escaped, but they hadn't seen anything to verify it.
The martians stopped destroying things, and just seemed content to sit in possession of what was left. While no one had seen a fighting machine for months (indeed, the sky seemed its usual blue, as if nothing had happened) it was agreed that gathering outdoors was unsafe.

The crowd that I was in all went inside the building that went with the parking lot. It was a small hospital or medical building of three or four stories. People all just spread out into whatever rooms there were, as if to make it group apartment building. The many patient rooms and offices filled up quickly. Like a parking garage with the lower levels filled up, so you keep going higher, LaNaya and I kept going up the stairs. When we got to the third floor, the small rooms were filled, but there was still some space in the common area rooms like lobbies and lounges. I guess we were either waiting patiently for the details to be sorted out, or just claim some little corner for ourselves for sleeping.

LaNaya spotted a sort of armless bench thing, with some minimal vinyl upholstery, stretched out on it and acted as if she wasn't feeling well. I guess she was going for the sympathy route to bolster her claim to the bench. I sat at the end of it. For the most part, people were well behaved. It had a sort of disaster shelter ethos about it. There was no electricity, but lots of bright windows. Even the carpeted floor under the bench (where I figured I'd be sleeping, yielding the bench to LaNaya) was more comfortable than wherever we had been holed up before, so we were content to just sit tight.

Another crowd had formed in the parking lot. Some of them were people who didn't fit in the building. Others were new comers. The mood down there was getting heated. I couldn't make out the words through the open windows, but there were raised voices. Apparently there was some pushing and shoving going on. Most people on our floor were at the windows watching. I didn't go see, for fear of losing our claim to our little sleeping spot.

At some point, among the window watchers, I see a young guy (14, 13?) in a red shirt, pull a small handgun out of his pocket. It was a .22 or some such. No one else seemed to see it. He fired into the crowd below with a sort of stupid look of mischievous glee on his face.
There was a sudden total silence, at which the red-shirt boy's stupid grin dropped. There were shouts from below and you could hear the thunder of many feet rushing up the metal stairs. Red-shirt managed to disappear someplace. I didn't see where.

The angry people from below burst onto the floor and demanded to know who fired the shots. I guess no one was killed in the parking lot, but maybe hurt. The guy who was emerging as the local leader type, (30-ish, dashing looks, thin beard and mustache) heatedly announced that we (the group) needed for form a government, a parliament, he called it. In the absence of our former government, we needed a local government that could provide controls, and deal with crimes, etc. or we'd turn into a ruthless mob.
The crowd liked the idea, and seemed to allow leader guy to assume leadership. Our first act, he said, must be to settle matter of who fired the shots. He demanded that the guilty party step forward. No one did. I didn't see the red-shirt boy anywhere.
I was half thinking I should say something about the red shirt boy, but felt a bit uneasy about it, since I didn't see him among the people in crowded lobby and lounge area. What could I really offer for information?
Before I could figure out what I might say, this old guy starts getting all belligerent. I think he was mostly chaffing at leader guy assuming leadership, or the crowd's mood, or something. I didn't quite follow his rantings.
It wasn't so much that he admitted to firing the shots, (since I knew he hadn't) so much as he was just being deliberately contrary. I'm not even sure he knew there -were- shots fired, or what the 'trial' was all about. Trouble was, with his hostile, contrary actions, he seemed to be confessing he was guilty, and unrepentant.

While leader guy was going on and on about the need for law and justice, I was reflectivly asking LaNaya why in the world the red shirt boy would just take pot shots into the crowd of fellow survivors like that. It made no sense.
She wondered if maybe the red-shirt kid was taking The Drug. I don't recall if it had a name or not. She told me of someone she knew, a girl of 12, who was much younger than her three friends (who were more like 16 to 18), and wanted very badly to be older like them. This young girl managed to get ahold of some drug the martians make. It 'grows up' an adolescent's body to adult-like form, in just a few weeks. It worked for that young girl, LaNaya was telling me. She grew several inches and took on more (ahem) adult womanly proportions. The girl was delighted to finally fit in with her friends.
But, LaNaya said in a sort of whisper, it's rumoured that the drug has some bad side effects. No one knows for sure, since people have only been using the drug for a year or so, but they think it also makes the user more stupid. Like a byproduct of quickly maturing the body, it takes away from mental and emotional development. The 'older' young person is then just that much less mature. Physically 20, but mentally 6.

I start thinking that this drug is probably not stolen from the martians at all, as LaNaya said, as much as the martians allow it to get into our hands. It would be a perfect tool for preparing humans as feeding stock. They want mature adult -bodies- to feed on, not scrawny kid bodies, and don't care about the mind. For that matter, full-figured, but stupid, is all the better. More cattle-like for easier rounding up.

Our little side discussion is interrupted by a commotion. The trial has gotten loud and physical. The old man is shouting how he doesn't care what leader guy says. Leader guy is pronouncing the judgment of the "court," that the old man be banished from the community. At this, the old man starts raging around, turning over little nurse's carts and ranting about how he'll get even, etc. etc. He's clearly getting unruly. The crowd is getting angry at the old man. Some are taking on that tone of 'Crucify him! Crucify him!', while others are just upset and shouting that he's raging around out of control.

The ex-soldier picks up this odd aluminumy looking thing. It's a bit like a small slightly bent metal hose, maybe a foot long, with some other more rectangular attachments at one end. He holds it like a pistol and points it at the old man.
"There's only one way to handle justice nowadays," yells the soldier at the leader and the crowd. At that, the old man freezes and looks at the soldier. The soldier fires the weapon. It streams out the spray of sparks like in the 1953 War of the Worlds movie's heat ray. It makes that screechy sound too. The old man glows orange for a second, then disappears. Only some small chunks of black cinder and ash remain on the gray vinyl floor.

Chaos breaks out. Others pick up some of the hand guns that had been put on a central table. Some run out of the building, as if to escape this chaos, or start a different group. Others are waving guns around just seeming to be trying to defend themselves, from whatever chaos might throw at them.
LaNaya and I are a bit out of the action in an "L" of the lobby/lounge, so I don't feel we're in immediate danger, but I do begin to scope out the back stair door nearby and figure how many steps it would take to get there, etc.

(This is where I woke up from the snooze alarm, but went back to sleep to resume the dream.)

Leader guy restores some calm. Soldierman is apparently on board with the local parliament idea, just a bit too hot headed on how justice is meeted out. Everyone is still very nervous. It's understood that the martians are generally a long ways off from our little building, but not -that- far away. I guess we're in some "Nebraska-like" hinterlands, where us bison can roam pretty much free -- free enough to fool ourselves into thinking that the hunters in "Kansas City" won't find us. But we know that's not the case.

The martians have chosen to set up bases hundreds of miles south, but we know the firing of that zat-gun thing will be picked up by them. They'll been here soon to investigate. They won't be gentle about their investigations either.

They probably do leak out those drugs, letting us think that we're stealing them, knowing that humans would never take them if we thought the martians -wanted- us to take them. But if we think we're sneaking something we're not supposed to have, we'd take them eagerly. The martians showed little effort to stop the "stealing."

Weapons, however, were a different matter. We'd all heard stories of some military base holding out to the last man, or some once-hidden group of tanks or planes making a surprise attack on the martians, causing some destruction before being wiped out. They could have been urban legend stories, or exaggerated reality, or whatever. We couldn't tell. All news came to us third and fourth hand via other refugees. The gist of it was that effective weapons against the martians were pretty much gone.

The situation these days, seemed to be that the martians weren't too worried about us humans staging any kind of an effective counter attack. They'd pretty much wiped out whatever tools we had that would have been effective. Sure, some guy might scrounge up enough fuel to get a big truck running and try to ram one of the fighting machines -- I'd heard that story too -- but such attempts were puny and futile. The mad trucker was torched with the heat ray, with little more than a dented fighting machine to show for his efforts. The martians didn't seem to worry about it much.

The zat gun thing was another matter, however. Apparently, it -was- dangerous to the martians. I don't know how it came into human hands, but it had, and our little group had it. The firing of it would be 'seen' by the martians and we all knew they'd be here in an hour or so, to investigate. We also knew -- from other refugee stories -- that if they didn't find it quickly, they'd just lay waste to several square miles around the site, just to make sure they got the "bad" humans.

That meant that we all had to run as fast as we could, for as long as we could, away from that place. Innocent or guilty, it wouldn't matter. The martians would just blast everything for miles -- buildings, vehicles, trees, culverts, even bare ground. You wouldn't even be safe underground. We'd heard stories of people who tried to ride out such a blastings in their bunkers, but were later found to be just black crisps in their scorched-out concrete holes.

LaNaya and I hurriedly gathered up whatever we could carry in our arms -- a few articles of clothing, a blanket and some other items I don't recall specifically. We ran down the back stairs, as the front stairs were choked with the fleeing crowd. We got onto the street.

LaNaya wanted to run off through the woods, 90 degrees from the small town's main road. Go where people -weren't-, was her reasoning. I said we needed to get as far away as possible, as fast as possible. We needed to stay on the road for awhile to cover a greater distance faster. Distance was the only thing that would save us.

So, we ran up the concrete street which headed north. We ran for all we were worth, away from the expected coming of the martians.

(That's when my alarm went off again. Sadly, it was time to get ready for work.)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:51 pm 
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That's quite a dream. Lots to analize there!

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:31 pm 
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Loz wrote:
That's quite a dream. Lots to analize there!

Yeah. Most of my dreams (what few I remember) are typically boring stuff like driving to work or walking through an unfamilar house, etc. This one was a total surprise.

Got me to thinking of related fiction bits along the same lines. What -would- it be like if the germs hadn't stopped the martians? Since we were food, they wouldn't totally wipe out all people. They'd smash our 'civilization',sure, but they'd keep us around (on farms?) as hinted at in Crystal Egg.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:06 pm 
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Wow! A really long dream with a structure! Things in my dreams often change shape from being reality to a computer game to something made out from lego into a tv show, and wierd cartoon figures are everywere, not to mention cowardly superheroes, feral monkeys and a dangerous sun that snipes on people. I dont think Ive dreamed one serious and cool dream in my entire life. :|

Good one too! Really liked it, and the WOTW parallels from the different versions :D

How to make a tripod:
1. Take a small wooden toy wheel (cheap in hobby stores)
2. Take three nails.
3. Figure the rest out yourself.

Pretty crazy.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:15 pm 
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The Improved Trog wrote:
my dreams often change shape from being reality to a computer game to something made out from lego into a tv show, and wierd cartoon figures are everywere, not to mention cowardly superheroes, feral monkeys and a dangerous sun that snipes on people.

Wow, what the hell do you eat or drink before going to sleep :lol:


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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:46 pm 
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Lonesome Crow wrote:

Wow, what the hell do you eat or drink before going to sleep :lol:

Wayyy too much milk. God(s) punish me for abusing the only good thing of being a white person- to drink some more milk... :P

How to make a tripod:
1. Take a small wooden toy wheel (cheap in hobby stores)
2. Take three nails.
3. Figure the rest out yourself.

Pretty crazy.

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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2005 5:08 pm 
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gypsywlf wrote:
Loz wrote:
That's quite a dream. Lots to analize there!

Got me to thinking of related fiction bits along the same lines. What -would- it be like if the germs hadn't stopped the martians? Since we were food, they wouldn't totally wipe out all people. They'd smash our 'civilization',sure, but they'd keep us around (on farms?) as hinted at in Crystal Egg.

Yeah I'd like to explore that reality. Would we lose language, would they allow us any culture at all? Would we be reduced to animals. Would they cloth us or allow us to make clothes. Would we be allowed to mate or would they rais us in test tubes.
They wouldn't take over every spec of the planet so it is feasable that some pockets of humanity could live on in the jungles and Hymalayas etc. They would be no threat and perhaps tolerated.
In fact not that many Martians come. Maybe that would be it and the conquest of Earth would be quite slow. They'd use the flying machines to destroy the cities and towns but would many years to populate the planet in anything like our numbers.

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 2:44 pm 
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Loz wrote:
Yeah I'd like to explore that reality. Would we lose language, would they allow us any culture at all? Would we be reduced to animals. Would they cloth us or allow us to make clothes. Would we be allowed to mate or would they rais us in test tubes. ...

Well, I must admit I've lately been doing more looking out the window, pondering such things, and neglecting my freelance work (bad, designer, bad)

I imagined that the martians would allow a 'rump' of human civilzation to remain, rather on the Vichy model. As such, we'd be reduced to thirdworld status, but survive. If we showed any signs of resistence or not enough subservience, they'd stomp us to teach us to stay in line.

I figured they'd take to raising humans for food, on 'farms' -- perhaps first fashioned out of non-destroyed suburbs. They'd grow plump-and-juicy (but stupid) humans to have as ready food stock. Perhaps they'd employ a minimal 'staff' of traitor humans to manage the farms (freeing up martians for more advanced work). So, you'd have a quisling class of humans, and an underclass of juicy idiots.

No doubt the martians would set about martiforming sections of the earth to suit themselves. Probably go for the more arrid and cooler areas like tundra lands. Have to imagine that the heat and humidity of the tropics would be tougher on them.

They'd allow some 'reservations' of free-range humans to continue, perhaps valuable to them as future breeding stock for when their human-cow strains get feeble. Perhaps just not worth all the effort required to make the entire earth one big farm. They might even take to supplying martian-advanced fabric and foods and shelters, etc. to help keep the free-rangers from dying of exposure and starvation. (I recall images of choppers dropping hay to starving deer on national parks, a few years back)

Deprived of global industry -- heck, even the benefits of the industrial revolution -- human civilization would likely settle back into an 18th century pattern. No giant steel mills. No big factories cranking out goods like nintendos or laptops. All people would have are the left-overs of the Before Times -- a dwindling supply. Small scale agriculture, cottage industry, etc.

Those free-rangers with an independent spirit might disdain the martian-provided goods, preferring to wear newly homespun fabrics and eat 'real' food. While many others might not see the harm in wearing clothes made from the shiny martian sheet goods, eating the food cubes, and perhaps even using martian-built tools to repair martian-provided shelter huts, etc. The beginnings of two sub-groups of free-rangers: the proud independents, and the pragmatic semi-dependents. Clashes inevitable.

There's more musing, but this is long already. :-D so I'll stop here.

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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 9:33 pm 
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That sounds like the human race turning into two separate species like the Eloi and the Morlocks. :idea:

now if someone could write a linking book between "TWOTW" and "The Time Machine" :?:


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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:11 pm 
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Lonesome Crow wrote:
That sounds like the human race turning into two separate species like the Eloi and the Morlocks. :idea:

now if someone could write a linking book between "TWOTW" and "The Time Machine" :?:

Becoming different species (if that were possible) would take quite awhile (Wells gave it a few hundred thousand years, IIRC) Certainly in the short term, you'd see the rise of at least two different human 'cultures'.

You'd have the Collaborators, as you do in most occupation scenarios. Those who decide to try to get along with the new neighbors. They trade with them, become dependent on them, have a sort of love-hate co-dependency thing going on. This could be somewhat akin to the Lapplander / Reindeer arrangement, with us as the reindeer.

But then, you'd probably also have The Resisty (to borrow from Zim) who opt to NOT cooperate or become dependent on the occupiers. Life would be harder for The Resisty, not having either the old human industrial network, nor connections to the martian technology pool.

No doubt, there'd be clashes between the two human cultures. Collabs calling Resisty "outlaw" trouble-makers. Resisty calling Collabs "traitors" and flabby sell-outs. Much mutual animosity.

There would still be, however, some exchange between groups -- disaffected Collabs joining the Resisty: exhausted Resisty giving up the fight to join the Collabs, etc.

Heck, there's probably a couple of books just in those bits.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:26 pm 
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A world-wide civil-war, sounds like a good idea for a book.

Becoming different species (if that were possible) would take quite awhile (Wells gave it a few hundred thousand years, IIRC)

But if the Martians were so advanced, in just a few generations they could have changed their pet Collabs to a more efficient species. Cristopher Priest suggested in his sequel to WOTW "The Space Machine" The Martians on Mars, faced with their water shortage crisis, genetically altered members of their own species into the loverble Martians we know from WOTW, but they lost control of their genetic spawn and the servant became the master and the old masters became slaves and food.


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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:39 am 
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Lonesome Crow wrote:
...But if the Martians were so advanced, in just a few generations they could have changed their pet Collabs to a more efficient species.

Yeah. Shortly after I hit the Submit button, I got to thinking that the martians could well 'engineer' their food stocks to be more suitable. They'd have more body fluid -- the important food value to the martians -- but things like strength of muscles or intelligence would not be important and likely atrophe.

You wondered if humans would lose language. I could see the human cattle breeds losing language, as they wouldn't need it. They'd tend to be a bit dim and idle. Their lives would be simple ones of comfort and food until harvest time.

But, rather like breeds of dogs (which look very different) I could see that the human-cow could still interbreed with "wild" humans. The cross-breeds might not be noteworthy, though. I could suppose that a human-cow which gets loose could go 'feral'. Big, not too strong, but since a bit mentally simple, dangerous.

Maybe the martians would amuse themselves by raising and breeding "fighting humans" (gladiator types) just for the sport. Maybe they breed "runners" to help them hunt "wild" humans, also for sport. Would make things dicy for the wild ones out there. Your "own kind" ferreting you out and running you down.

Eventually, the martians might create a new beast loosly based on human DNA, but maybe some other animals too. Maybe humans are too much trouble. Maybe they take a shine to actual cows. The world as mega-ranch. Humans are a bothersome predetor species which (like wolves) must be hunted and eliminated to make the world safe for cows.

Either way, it doesn't look too good for the 'wild' humans out there.

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:34 pm 
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The world as mega-ranch. Humans are a bothersome predetor species which (like wolves) must be hunted and eliminated to make the world safe for cows.

But wouldn't they want to keep some humans for slaves? Man can do things the Martians could not, in our dense atmosphere, the Martians could build machines to do some jobs but it might be easier to create a strong slave. It's just a case of controlling that slave, keeping him loyal.


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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:43 am 
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One things for sure they wouldn't exterminate us completely and as I said, cultures who live and survive in extreme environments such as Inuits, Aborigonals, South American Indians, Nomads of the Sahara, Mountain dwellers, could probably go on untouched. Even now there are tribes in the Rainforests still to be discovered or are only just discovered. The Martians would not have the same interest in discovering those tribes as we do. They would become even more secretive and try and keep well out of sight of the invaders.

The Martians would farm the rest and cultures unable to survive in the wild such as the British would not succeed in scraping out a living. We are too domesticated to flurish wihout our comferts and we have lost the old skills. The Artillary Man had a dream, but that's all it was. What would he eat, once all the tin food had gone? How would he hunt?

The martians could just grow humans in containers, as gentetically altered blood barrells. Just big bags of blood that never move or see or hear or even think. Although the evidence of the food they brought from Mars casts doubt on that theory I suppose.

Would the Martians make the same mistake as befire and over time ruin Earth as they did Mars. Suck it dry and once again have to move on.
Would they be interested in the Oceans? They have no need to fish as we do, and therefor they may flurrish under the Martians or the Martians could use them for dumping as we have done, but on a larger scale and end up destroying all life at Sea.

I don't think they would use us for manual work. They have their machines which seem to be able to do anything. Once seetled on Earth they might go about inventing a device that can alter the Earth's gravity and have it the same as Mars's gravity.

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:38 pm 
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Loz wrote:
Once seetled on Earth they might go about inventing a device that can alter the Earth's gravity and have it the same as Mars's gravity.

:-s I think that would mean trimming about of the earths mass off and ejecting it into space. Altering the mass of the planet would then alter the gravitational effects by the sun and the earth's orbit would change. our gravity would be too weak to hold the moon's orbit. it would be HELL ON EARTH :twisted: and all life would cease to exist. :( Sounds good lets do it. :D


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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:04 am 
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That's true with our knowledge of physics. But the Martian technolagy could operate well beyond the physical domain. They may invent a machine that alters the gravity in some other safer way.
The Tommy Knockers from Stephen Kings book of the same name would do it our way Lonesome but maybe not the Martians. If they can get to where they have got without inventing or using the wheel then they can probably do reduce the Earths gravity safely. Perhaps using crystals to draw of gravity without reducing mass. Sort of gravity absorbers.

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:46 pm 
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Loz wrote:
...If they can get to where they have got without inventing or using the wheel then they can probably do reduce the Earths gravity safely. Perhaps using crystals to draw of gravity without reducing mass. Sort of gravity absorbers.

Wheels can be overrated. While moving rocks about on my property the other day, it was sometimes just too big a pain to get the wheeled cart in and out of places. Simpler just to carry the buggers out, one at a time, using legs over the wheel-unfriendly ground.

As for gravity, perhaps they'd just try to acclimate to it. A bit like how our own astronauats train for low-G envrionments. Martians trained for high-G life. They could rely on machines to do the big motion stuff (travel, work, etc.) while only trying to provide small localized 'reduced gravity zones' for oases of comfort.

Given the energy demands of altering a whole planet, seems more likely that they'd adapt to more manageable goals. (like aircondition the tractor cab, not the whole cornfield)

But, that begs the question, what did they (do they?) use as a power source?

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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:57 pm 
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But, that begs the question, what did they (do they?) use as a power source?

Oh that's an easy one. they could use a power source we haven't even conceived of yet. like the victorians could not of imagined nuclear energy

If they can get to where they have got without inventing or using the wheel then they can probably do reduce the Earths gravity safely.

Loz the reason they didn't invent the wheel is because, with 16 tentacles they where too busy inventing the under arm deoderant :D ( that joke was courtesy of the Late, Great Douglas Adams )


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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:27 am 
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:11 pm 
Tripod King

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The Victorians DID conceive of nuclear energy. H.G. Wells featured nuclear energy and atomic bombs in his lessor-known novel "The World Set Free". He even referred to the weapons as atomic bombs. On top of that, he was the first SF writer to mention that a targeted area would be uninhabitable for a long time after the blast. His idea of "contamination" was different from reality, though. Instead of the ground being rendered poisonous via radiation, he assumed that the fireball created by the blast would stick around permanently. You must admit, it makes a striking image.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:23 pm 
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Martian War Lord

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Yes you are right about 'The World Set Free' but that was published in 1914, 13 years after the Victorian era.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:02 am 
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Martian War Lord

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I'm not suggesting that its odd the martians didn't use the wheel as a form of direct locamotion as we do with cars, as obviously legs are superior. But the wheel or disc if you like should have appeard somewhere in their machinary.

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:15 pm 
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Martian War Lord

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Not if they had something better, something that we could not even conceive of. 8)


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:01 pm 
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Martian War Lord

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What you mean like a ^><|\</\|^"_-= sort of thing? :a028:

Bah bah black sheap April diamond spheres, Rigsby, Rigsby, Eight sided Pears.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:46 pm 
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Martian War Lord

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Loz wrote:
What you mean like a ^><|\</\|^"_-= sort of thing? :a028:

Yes but with wheels on. :lol: :lol:


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